What is Profile Backlinks and Link creation ?

March 19, 2018

A profile backlink is a link figuring in a profile page when a user creates an account and a profile on a forum or on other types of sites where profile creation is offered.

The link is often displayed on the profile page or below posts or contributions as a signature.
A profile backlink may be a direct source of traffic for active and valued contributors on forums.

It may also slightly influence SERP rankings for profile pages with high PR which are to follow and accessible to search engine spiders.

Profile link creation is a tactic used by SEO professionals in order to gain follow / no follow backlinks from reputed websites. Since backlinks from high authority websites are considered a metric in ranking, It is very valuable but not the most authoritative ones, unless you interact on these websites on which you have created the profile.

The above-given image shows a profile I created in ted.com. And on my profile, I have provided links to official webpage and product page. So there are now 2 links displayed on my profile in ted. These sort of links are called profile links. These are valuable but not the most valued by proper digital marketers. Let me explain why.

The algorithms used in modern search engines are easily capable of tracking your interaction with the websites. If you have less interaction on the website, the search engine will understand that you have created this profile just for getting links. And you know what SE does to misplace links. Make no mistake it’s still a powerful factor in search engine ranking. I personally have experienced the power of link creation. However, if you want to drive customers articles, blog comments and other backlink activities will be a better choice.

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